Headline News items

Apple computer users problems with *.pdf files

We now know Apple software does not read *.pdf files produced by Microsoft Software beyond the first page - their software does not recognise page breaks.
So for anyone locked into Apple products we have produced the current price list page by page - all 11 pages and these are listed on the Download&Details page.

Coupling Links CCL1 - we have a supply issue
Our supplies are no longer available to replace these links we will have to use a different source.
As a consequence we will be able to offer a smaller size link set as CCL3 as well as the new links as CCL2.
This however will result in a price rise in these packs.

Urgent recall - the magnetic links for screw couplings -
A batch of these links were processed in a hard steel that does not bend
- if you have one of these please return it and we will replace it with a malleable steel item.

Postage Contribution change

This has risen to £2.50 for UK deliveries,
Delivery o
utside the UK the postage contribution will be calculated for individual orders.